Demystifying the Kubernetes Landscape
Are you struggling to keep up with the ever-growing Kubernetes ecosystem? Inviting you to try our open-source recommender system.
Copied!$ krs scan && krs recommend Scanning your cluster... Cluster scanned successfully... Extracted tools used in cluster... .... Our recommended tools for this deployment are: +------------------+------------------------+-------------+---------------+ | Category | Recommendation | Tool Name | CNCF Status | +==================+========================+=============+===============+ | Network Policies | Already using the best | cilium | graduated | +------------------+------------------------+-------------+---------------+ | Security Tools | Recommended tool | trivy | listed | +------------------+------------------------+-------------+---------------+
The State of Kubernetes Toolings
State of Kubernetes Tools
60% of DevOps engineers spend more than 10 hours per week in search of optimised Kubernetes tools. 40% of DevOps engineers have used the wrong Kubernetes tool for their needs. Unoptimised Kubernetes cluster can lead to cost $10000 per year or even more.
Maximise your Kubernetes potential
Testing tools
Continuous Integration
API Integration
Continuous Deployment
Network Policies
A Powerful GenAI Recommendation Engine
$ krs health
Starting interactive terminal...
Choose the model provider for healthcheck:
[1] OpenAI
[2] Huggingface
Key Benefits
Build together, Grow Together!
Take your Kubernetes game to the next level with our extensive list of tools and categories – whether you’re a developer, ops expert, or security pro, we’ve got you covered.
A database of over 700+ popular Kubernetes Tools
Exporting to JSON Format
$ krs export --help
Usage: krs export [OPTIONS]
Exports pod info with logs and events.
"name": "local-path-provisioner", "ready": true, "resources": null, "restart_count": 0, "started": true, "state": {"running": {"started_at": "2024-08-04T08:11:12+00:00"}, "terminated": null, "waiting": null}}], "ephemeral_container_statuses": null, "host_ip": "", "host_i_ps": [{"ip": ""}], "init_container_statuses": null, "message": null, "nominated_node_name": null, "phase": "Running", "pod_ip": "10.2
Maximize your Kubernetes potential with our hand-picked selection

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Almost, give me 5 min to clean things up…

Sounds good. By the way, have you tried our Krs recommender engine 🔥
Just checked and it looks promising 😍

The tool is open-source. Give it a try!
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Some of the most common questions. Can’t find the right answer? Click here to contact us
How are the tools on your website ranked?
The tools on our website are ranked based on a variety of factors, including GitHub stars, social media popularity, job offers, and community size.
Is it possible to influence the ranking of a tool?
No, listing a featured product or buying an advertisement on our website will not have any impact on the Kubetools’ popularity ranking. Our goal is to provide unbiased information to our users.
How can I learn more about the ranking of a specific tool?
Kubetools offers detailed reports that provide insights into the ranking performance of specific systems. These reports include historical data, charts, and a breakdown of the ranking points.
Who is this website for?
Developers, DevOps and DevSecOps
How can I display my tool on the home page?
You can buy the top banner (728×90 pixels) shown on all pages of Kubetools for 500 dollars per year.
Can I contribute guest post to the website?
Yes, we do accept guest post. We invite blog post that are related to Kubernetes, Cloud-Native and AI.
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